Renewed Perspective

Last week I began to feel discouraged and disheartened.  Perhaps it’s the time of year; it’s cold and snowy (but here in CO we’re lucky to have sunshine even in winter).  Perhaps it’s because I didn’t meet my January goals.  Whatever the reason, I felt down.  I had no direction and felt like I was back at square one again.

If you’ve read my blog, you may know that I have an Etsy shop.  I am in the process of growing and promoting my business.   It is not any easy task, mind you.  I have great ambitions for my shop.  My dream is to one day make a full time income from home (I’m currently at stay at home mom to two children).  Once my children are in school full time, I don’t want to answer to a boss or rely on another company to pay me.

In order to get there though, there are many things I need to accomplish.  (I won’t bore you with those details).  I realized that not meeting my January goals were probably the source of discouragement I felt.

I rely on my faith in Jesus Christ to guide me in everything, including my new business.  And He didn’t leave me stranded at being discouraged.  I received an email from Donna Partow (author,speaker-I’ll share more about her in another post!).  She was holding a teleconference last week and focus of that call was dealing with discouragement!  I wasn’t able to listen live but began the replay later.  Within minutes, I felt uplifted and not so discouraged.  I was encouraged again.

This is Monday.  I’ve already created and listed another item (for St. Patrick’s Day!), began another project, and listed my very first custom order item.  I’ve realized that launching a business isn’t easy and will have obstacles.  But I need to keep pressing in.  So I’ll keep moving forward; one step at a time.

Today I’ll leave you with a picture of our snow laden tree in the backyard.  Happy Monday from snowy Colorado!